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Help callers find answers via your on hold messaging

Does your on hold messaging direct callers to your blog, your Facebook page, Twitter, LinkedIn, your web site?  Each of those is a "touch point", an opportunity to build relationships, promote products and services, offer useful information that may or may not relate directly to the reason you are in business.  Vendors move products.  A Trusted Advisor seeks ways to help his clients grow in their business and occasionally in their personal lives as well. She or he is the one who is  sought after because s/he is the one who knows how to get things done or knows whom to call in order to get the help for the customer who wants to get things done.  Those links on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter can help.  Send your callers to those links!!


Seasonal changes to on hold messaging

Summer is trying to come to Northwest Ohio.  With it  allergies, lawn and garden work, and maybe different product offerings.  Are you letting your callers know about all that you do?  Well, at least some of what you do?  Things about which they may be unaware?  On hold messaging is so effective because it reaches the captive audience - the caller - on a one-on-one basis telling each individual why he or she should contact your business and purchase your products/services.  What would be the benefit to you of changing your on hold messaging?  Seasonal offerings? New personnel?  New capabilities? A great testimonial?  Brand new location? Updated web site?  Just something to think about.


How people communicate

Some thoughts on how people communicate: 

You’ve heard the term “Digital Revolution” but it’s hard to figure out what that is. Anytime you change how people communicate you make a fundamental shift in society.  We’re in the third revolution of how people communicate. (With attribution to Ms. Pauline Glaza of Enhanced Publications -  ·        

          The first was the creation of the written word by the Chinese 3,000 years ago.

·         The second involved the creation of movable type 500 years ago (remember learning about the Guttenberg Bible?)

·         The revolution we’re in now is the Digital Revolution.

If you want to see what’s happening in the digital revolution, this is the best 3:57 you’ll spend!  Social Media Revolution 2013.  What's the point?  Use on hold messaging to direct people to your web site.  Every touch point is an opportunity to close that first sale, up-sell, or cross-sell.  Take advantage of your on hold messaging to promote your web site.  


Mention e-mail address in your on hold messages

Make it as easy as possible for people to get in touch with you.  Put an info@ e-mail address in your on hold messaging productions.  You have an e-mail address on your web site.  You do, don't you?  You have Facebook, You have Twitter, You have LinkedIn.  Don't neglect e-mail as yet another way for clients, potential clients, and prospects to connect with you.  Take advantage of every touch point you can.  Use your On Hold messaging to tell callers the other ways that they can get in touch with you.  E-mail is definitely one of them!  


Your jingle in on hold messaging?

Do you have a jingle that you use in some of your electronic advertising efforts?  What if you used that jingle as the background music for your on hold messaging?  Or used some of the message content of the jingle as message content for your on hold messaging?  One will certainly reinforce the other and in the process increase brand awareness.  Might be worth a try!  Contact Rod McElroy at OnHoldMessaging at 877-713-9773 to learn how you might be able to implement that concept.

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