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Brevity is the essence of good on hold messaging

Hey gang! Keep that copy short!

Are you writing your own on hold messaging? Good for you, ol’ chum or chumette.

But here’s a tip: Keep it brief.

We’ve noticed that a lot of folks try to say a little too much in each message. Maybe they're thinking “We need to tell our customers about everything we sell.” The problem is callers won’t retain any of the information you provide if you give them too much to think about.

Consider this formula:

  • Choose three or four products you want to promote on hold.

  • Write two or three short messages about each of those four products. Every message should be only two to three sentences, or 15 seconds max.  

  • Focus on a different aspect of the product in each message. For instance, message #1 might list benefits; message #2 could tout the product’s low price; and message #3 may stress its unique warranty. Or present the same information in different ways, first by telling how the product fulfills a need or solves a problem, then through the words of a customer’s testimonial, and then by using statistics.

  • Arrange the messages in the script so that the four products are mentioned in a rotating order. (Product #1, product #2, product #3, product #4, repeat.)

Writing several shorter messages about a small number of products and then dispersing those messages evenly throughout the script will ensure that more of your callers hear about each product, and will better the odds of them remembering - and responding to - your most important points.

Click here for more copywriting tips. If you’d still like help with your on hold messaging copy, let us know. Packages 3, 4, 7 & 8 include copy proofing and editing.

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